Ko Pūtahi Manawa te tōpūtanga e whakakotahi nei ngā hāpori, ngā kairangahau Pūtaiao, ngā tākuta me ngā mātauranga kia tukia ngā tōrite katoa o te hauora o te manawa.

Pūtahi Manawa Matawhānui

Kia tutuki ai te mana o te hauora ngakau mo nga iwi Māori me nga iwi o Te Moananui-a-Kiwa.

Ia ausia le tulaga tutusa o le soifua maloloina o le fatu mo Maori ma Tagata Pasefika.

To achieve heart health equity for Māori and Pacific Peoples.

Tihei mauri ora!
Ko te pūtahi manawa o te ora
Ko te pūtahi manawa o te kōrero
Ko te pūtahi manawa o te iwi
Ko Pūtahi Manawa tēnei e mihi ake nei
Kei ngā mana, kei ngā reo
Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei pae tukutuku o Pūtahi Manawa


Behold, the breath of life
A gathering of heart health experts
A confluence of research  
A meeting place of communities 
We wish to welcome you all 
The many people and voices
to the online home of Pūtahi Manawa

Students engaging with OnE team at Kudos Science Spinners, Auckland

He aronga tō Pūtahi Manawa ki ngā rangahau me ngā kaupapa ka oke tonu ki te whakaaweawe i te hauora o te manawa, puta noa i Aotearoa. Ko tā mātou whāinga matua kia waihangatia he anamata e hihiri nei te tangata ki te whakawhanake i te toiora me te hauora o te manawa.

Ko te pūtahitanga o tā mātou rangahau ko te kaupapa auaha “business not as usual”, e rauhī nei te mahi tahi o ngā hāpori Māori me Te Moana-Nui-ā-Kiwa kia pāhaoa he whaitua rangahau tōrite hauora, he whaitua rangahau hihiri anō hoki. 

Māori Whakatauki

Mā pango, mā whero, ka oti te mahi

Through black and red the work will be completed

Māori Proverb


Samoan Muāgagana 

O le tele o sulu e maua ai figota 

Through collaboration, the most difficult challenges can be overcome. 

Samoan Proverb

Culture at the Heart: Māori and Pacific Students Step into Heart Health Research
Culture at the Heart: Māori and Pacific Students Step into Heart Health Research
Māori and Pacific students came together at the end of their summer of heart health research with Pūtahi Manawa, displaying their unique perspectives on heart health research and celebrating their accelerated personal and professional growth.
Dr Fiona Mcbryde, Linda Fotherby
Pūtahi Manawa
Pūtahi Manawa Engages Communities at Waitangi Day, Strengthening Heart Health Awareness and Research
A nationally significant event like Waitangi Day is the perfect time for Pūtahi Manawa to step into the heart of the communities we serve. Upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi and engaging directly with the people who shape and are shaped by our research.
Pūtahi Manawa will be at the heart of Waitangi Day Celebrations.
Pūtahi Manawa will be at the heart of Waitangi Day Celebrations.
Pūtahi Manawa, Healthy Hearts for Aotearoa New Zealand will participate in this year’s Waitangi Day commemorations at Waitangi.