Ko ngā mema o te rōpū ECR, no Aotearoa nei. He manawanuitanga, he motuhaketanga tō te rōpū ECR e anganui ana ki ngā tōrite hauora manawa o ngai Māori me ngā iwi o Te Moana-Nui–Ā-Kiwa. 

Tē rōpū umanga moata

Ko te mahi o ēnei mema he whakatairanga i te whanaketanga o ECR kia kauneke ake te umanga, te rangatiratanga me te whakaahu whakamua o ēnei umanga rangahau. E tautoko ana rātou i a ECR me ngā rōpū whaitake o roto, o waho hoki o te CoRE, i taua wā tonu kei te akiaki i ngā whakaurunga me te whanake ake i ngā āheinga kia whakakotahi ai ngā āhuatanga katoa o CoRE. Me whakatūturu ai tētahi kaupapa mana taurite kia tutuki ēnei whāinga paetae, kia whakamana ai ngā kawenga o Te Tiriti.

Mēna e hiahia ana koe te hono mai ki te rārangi īmēra, tuku īmēra mai ki putahimanawa@auckland.ac.nz, rānei whakakī te puka whakapā.

E ngākaunui ana koe ki te tūhuratanga, te mātauranga me te auahatanga? Tērā pea ko te mahi rangahau tō umanga

He maha ngā hua ka puta i ngā tapaetanga umanga rangahau e aro nui ana ki ngā whakapātaritari o te ao, ngā kawekawenga i ngā hāpori, ngā whanaketanga o te ao hangarau, te tiketiketanga o te mātauranga whakahihiko, te mahi tahi me ngā tūhononga, whai mahi ki tāwāhi, ngā mahi auaha, te matawhaiaro whakatūtataki, aha atu rānei.

E whai ake nei ko ngā mema o te ECR Working Group. Ko rātou kei te mahi ngātahi ki te tautoko i ngā mema o te tīma whānui o ECR.

He kaingākau koe ki te whakahura, ki te matauranga me te mahi auaha?
He kaingākau koe ki te whakahura, ki te matauranga me te mahi auaha?

Na ka taea e koe te mahi rangahau mo koe!

He whai waahi mo nga umanga rangahau puta noa i te tini o nga waahi rangahau, puta noa i nga momo marautanga STEM, nga ahumahi me nga waahanga.

Te rōpū umanga rangahau moata
Sandra Hanchard
Tākuta Sandra Hanchard
Pūtahi Manawa and Heart Foundation Pacific Research Fellow, University of Auckland
Discharge planning is a crucial phase in the overall care of heart failure, there are opportunities to improve current practices. Sandra’s research focuses on discharge planning and interface between hospital-level and community care for patients with heart failure. The aim is to understand what is currently happening at this interface, including programmes that address equity for Māori and Pacific patients/whānau. The findings will inform national efforts to achieve consistency in evidence-based, optimal care for heart failure patients in Aotearoa.
Saraya Hogan
Saraya Hogan
Medical Laboratory Sciences Student, Auckland University of Technology
Ngāti Hako
Saraya is currently studying Medical Laboratory Sciences, specializing in immunology and molecular diagnostics. She recently uncovered her passion for genetic diagnostics, which lead her to pursue a placement at Grafton Clinical Genomics. This gives Saraya opportunities to work with MassArray genotyping, Illumina library preps for the TSO500 and gene expression panels for breast cancer with the Prosigna assay.
Michelle Munro
Tākuta Michelle Munro
Department of Physiology Lecturer, University of Otago, ECR representative, Pūtahi Manawa Board ECR representative
Michelle’s lab is primarily interested in the ultrastructural organisation of cardiac muscle cells. Her current research is looking at the role of a calcium-binding protein in the development of atrial fibrillation - the most common cardiac arrhythmia. A combination of techniques is used, including immunohistochemistry, western blotting, confocal microscopy of fixed and live samples, as well as super-resolution imaging
Stacey Neilson
Stacey Neilson
Cardiac Sonographer, Cardiac Physiologist, Team Leader Te Whatu Ora | Lakes
Stacey received a Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Allied Health Investigator Award for her research on incidents of cancer therapy related cardiac dysfunction in Māori compared to non-Māori. “We’ve developed a new referral that has cardiac risk information in it. The oncologists are now open to considering the use of blood tests to look for cardiac biomarkers to help assess for cardiotoxicity. This individualised approach is already helping patients.”
Elliott Pepper
Elliott Pepper
Bachelor of Nursing Student, Universal College of Learning Te Pūkenga
Nursing Education and Research Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship recipient, Elliott Pepper, wants to use his nursing education to help rainbow communities, the members of which have specific needs around mental health, sexual health, fertility, pregnancy and gender-affirming care for transgender people. He is a proponent for the health needs of sexual and gender minorities in Aotearoa.
Takiwai Russell-Camp
Takiwai Russell-Camp
Department of Medicine Kaiwhakatere, University of Otago
Ngāi Tahu
Takiwai is an emerging Māori researcher and is part of the wider Bedtime Electronic Devices (BED) research group. The BED study aims to understand how the use of electronic media (screens), both before and in-bed, affects sleep and mental health of young adolescents. The team is also interested in how this bedtime electronic media use might impact dietary intake the next day. The BED research group have discovered that not getting enough high-quality sleep is a crucial risk factor for obesity in children.
Kate Thomas
Tākuta Kate Thomas
Senior Lecturer, Dept of Surgical Sciences, Heart Otago Co-Director, University of Otago
Kate is an Exercise Physiologist interested in understanding how the cardiovascular system and brain responds to exercise and environmental stressors such as heat, cold and high altitude. Her research goals are to further understand the mechanisms by which exercise is good for us and to identify and develop effective, non-pharmaceutical, easy-to-implement lifestyle interventions to prevent or reduce the impact of chronic health conditions such as dementia, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease. Kate is a certified Vascular Sonographer working with clinical populations.
Julie Winter-Smith
Tākuta Julie Winter-Smith
Doctoral candidate, University of Auckland
Julie is a doctoral candidate based in the Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Auckland. She is passionate about Pacific heart health equity and improving health services and outcomes for Pacific people. Julie focuses on the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease among Pacific peoples in NZ according to Pacific-specific ethnicity and country of birth.
Serah ‘Otukolo
Student Profile
Serah ‘Otukolo
Malo e lelei, my name is Serah ‘Otukolo and I am a medical student at the University of Auckland. I am of Tongan descent and come from the villages of Ha’avakatolo and Ha’ato’u, Ha’apai. My journey through university has been the most rewarding experience where I can pursue my passion of serving others. Through community work, I have been fortunate enough to hear about the experiences of many people and share my story with youngsters throughout New Zealand. This motivates me to be a good role model for the next generation and keeps me devoted to the service of others.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.”