Kura Raumati Māori & Fatu Malosi Pasifika Student Research Programmes University & Community Supervisor Information
The Kura Raumati and Fatu Malosi Student Research Programmes aim to provide opportunities for Māori and Pasifika tauira | students studying health at a tertiary level to participate in a heart health equity programme of research over the summer holidays. The tauira will have an interest in developing their skills, knowledge, and networks, and in contributing to the wider kaupapa | work of supporting our whānau, hapū, iwi, and Pasifika communities on their heart health journey.
Tauira will start the nine-week programme engaged in a week-long wānanga on marae or fonotaga exploring kaupapa Māori and Pasifika heart health approaches, respectively. They then spend time undertaking their research projects which concludes with tauira coming together and presenting their findings, experiences, and insights to each other, to their supervisors and to their communities.
The programmes run from the week of 18 November to Wednesday 5 February, with a three-week break over the Christmas and New Year period.
Are you interested in supervising one of our Māori or Pasifika students? Do you have a heart health research project that would be suitable for our student research programmes? If so, please fill out the supervisor form: 2024 Pūtahi Manawa Summer Research Supervisor Form
If you are community-based, we can support you to develop a research project. Send us an email at putahimanawa@auckland.ac.nz for assistance.
To find out more, join us at 2 pm on Monday 17 June for an information zui, where we can answer any pātai | questions you may have – register on Eventbrite at www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/kura-raumati-maori-fatu-malosi-research-supervisor-information-tickets-912480101547.