Pūtahi Manawa funds a range of research grants to support researchers and their work at different stages of their careers. Much our research funding is awarded through competitive funding rounds. All research we fund must adhere to our funding principles

In our Integrated Research Modules multidisciplinary and diverse research teams collaborate with communities to address equity in heart health outcomes. Each Module runs for three years and receives $1.5 million in funding from Pūtahi Manawa.

Fellowships provide direct support for researchers whose work contributes to improving heart health outcomes for Pacific Peoples, Māori or women. Fellowships fund early career researchers for a three-year period and include salary support and research expenses.

Project Grants are awarded to small-medium stand-alone research projects which run for two to three years.

Our current Equity Grants span various kaupapa/galuega taua and can include grants to supercharge a piece of research already underway, student scholarships and co-design grants. They are meant to amplify the equity component in an ongoing study.

The purpose of Pūtahi Manawa Primer Grants is to support small projects aimed to obtain pilot data to develop an application to a larger grant.

Summer Research Scholarships are available to Māori, Pacific and women students.
We are also funding PhD Scholarships for postgraduate students to study for a PhD on each of our Integrated Research Modules.