Ka tutuki pai te mana taurite mo ngā putanga hauora manawa a ngai Māori, ngā iwi o Te Moana-Nui-Ā-Kiwa me ngā wāhine mēnā ka whakawhāiti mai te rāngai e hiahia nei mātou ki ngā pīnakitanga o Pūtahi Manawa.

Tō tātou iwi

E whakahīhī pai ana mātou ki te momo whakaehu o te mana whakatipu e tapeke katoatia te mana taurite a te iwi Māori, ngā iwi o Te Moana-Nui-Ā-Kiwa me ngā wāhine o te poari. He mahi rangatira tā te tīma hautū Māori ki te pupuru me te whakaū i ngā wāhanga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi me te whakatūturu i ngā hātepe i runga i te tika me te pono. Mā te tīma hautū o Te Moana-Nui-Ā-Kiwa e arataki i a mātou hei whakamihi i te whakaehu me te taunaki i o rātou whakaaro, wawata hoki.

Ko te rīrā o Pūtahi Manawa ka noho ki te rangapū whakaehu me te akoranga.

Mā te kaitohu o Pūtahi Manawa me te tīma whakahaere e pāho atu i ngā pūrongo ki te poari. Ko te tīma mana whakatipu Māori me te tīma mana whakatipu o Te Moana-Nui-Ā-Kiwa tērā e tohu ana i te poari, te kaitohu me te tīma whakahaere. Ko OnE te rōpū whakahaere i te kaupapa outreach and education. Waihoki, ko te rōpū kairangahau umanga mahi tērā e ruruku nei te ohu kairangahau umanga.


Hono mai hei mema

Tō tātou iwi
Karen Brewer
Tākuta Karen Brewer
Pūtahi Manawa Co-director and Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of Auckland
Whakatōhea, Ngaiterangi
Julian Paton
Ahorangi Julian Paton
Pūtahi Manawa Co-director and Professor, School of Medical Sciences, University of Auckland
Soteria Ieremia
Soteria Ieremia
Project Manager, Hamilton Science Awards Trust
Vaie’e, Saoluafata, Lepea and Faleasiu, Samoa
Te tīma mahi
Matua Joe Pihema
Matua Joe Pihema
Pou Tikanga
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Anuj Bhargava
Tākuta Anuj Bhargava
Pūtahi Manawa Outreach and Education Lead and Professional Teaching Fellow, School of Medical Sciences, University of Auckland
Linda Fotherby
Linda Fotherby
Research Operations Manage
Nuseta Hope
Nuseta Hope
Research Operations Coordinator
Tracey Kellett
Tracey Kellett
Ngā Puhi, Pakeha
Te poari mana whakahaere

“In business we speak of 'disruption'. That’s an innovation that radically and lastingly changes an industry. It’s exactly what we’re seeking here. It’s a ‘business not as usual’ approach. What’s the point of doing research if it doesn’t cause a radical and lasting shift? If it doesn’t impact people and their everyday lives? As a team we’re working together to bring balance back into health and academia.” Mr. Kent Gardner, Chair.

Kent Gardner
Kent Gardner
CEO Evans Randall Investors
Frank Bloomfield
Ahorangi Frank Bloomfield
(Ex officio)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, University of Auckland
Sue Crengle
Ahorangi Sue Crengle
General Practitioner, Professor, Public Health Physician, University of Otago
Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha to Kāi Tahu
Palatasa (Tasa) Havea
Ahorangi Palatasa (Tasa) Havea
Dean Pacific, Pacific Success Office, Massey University.
Mataroria Lyndon
Tākuta Mataroria Lyndon
Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, Co-Founder and Clinical Director - Tend Health, Deputy Chair - Te Hiringa Hauora Health Promotion Agency, Board Member - Māori Health Authority
Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Whātua, Waikato
Sharon Shea
Sharon Shea
Principal, Shea Pita & Associates Ltd. CEO, Manawaroa Ltd
Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Haua, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hako
Te tīma hautūtanga Māori

He mana tō te tīma Māori ki te pupuru i ngā hononga ki ngā wāhanga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi me te whakatūturu i ngā tikanga i runga i te tika me te pono.

Karen Brewer
Tākuta Karen Brewer
Pūtahi Manawa Co-director and Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of Auckland
Whakatōhea, Ngaiterangi
Mataroria Lyndon
Tākuta Mataroria Lyndon
Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, Co-Founder and Clinical Director - Tend Health, Deputy Chair - Te Hiringa Hauora Health Promotion Agency, Board Member - Māori Health Authority
Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Whātua, Waikato
Anna Rolleston
Tākuta Anna Rolleston
Director, Centre for Health
Ngāti Ranginui, Ngai Te Rangi, Ngāti Pukenga
Anthony Jordan
Tākuta Anthony Jordan
Clinical Immunologist, Auckland DHB
Ngāti Wai
Bren Tai-Rakena
Bren Tai-Rakena
Practice Manager - Tu Tonu Hauora.
Matua Joe Pihema
Matua Joe Pihema
Pou Tikanga
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Geremy Hema
Geremy Hema
Kaiarahi, University of Auckland
Ngāti Paoa, Ngāpuhi
Justine Camp
Ahorangi Justine Camp
Associate Dean (Māori), University of Otago
Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha
Karaitiana Taiuru
Tākuta Karaitiana Taiuru
Director, Taiuru and Associates
Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Toa and Ngāti Kahungunu
Matire Harwood
Ahorangi Matire Harwood
Manukura Rua | Deputy Dean, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland; General Practitioner, Papakura Marae Health Clinic.
Rāwiri Keenan
Tākuta Rāwiri Keenan
GP, Senior Research Fellow, University of Otago, Wellington and Adjunct Senior Fellow, University of Otago
Te Atiawa, Taranaki
Takiwai Russell-Camp
Takiwai Russell-Camp
Department of Medicine Kaiwhakatere, University of Otago
Ngāi Tahu
Wil Harrison
Tākuta Wil Harrison
Interventional Cardiologist, Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau
Ngāti Porou, Rongowhakaata
Te tīma hautūtanga o ngā iwi o Te Moana-Nui-Ā-Kiwa

Mā te tīma hautū o Te Moana-Nui-Ā-Kiwa e arataki i a mātou hei whakamihi i te whakaehu me te taunaki i o mātou whakaaro me o mātou wawata mo ngā tāngata o Aotearoa nei me Te Moana-Nui-Ā-Kiwa hoki.

Soteria Ieremia
Soteria Ieremia
Project Manager, Hamilton Science Awards Trust
Vaie’e, Saoluafata, Lepea and Faleasiu, Samoa
Allamanda Faatoese
Tākuta Allamanda Faatoese
Research Fellow, Christchurch Heart Institute, University of Otago
Samoa, Tuvalu
Daryl Schwenke
Ahorangi Daryl Schwenke
Associate Professor, Associate Dean Pacific Biomedical Sciences, University of Otago.
Alamagoto, Samoa
Joshua Agnew
Tākuta Joshua Agnew
Pacific Leadership Team member Paediatrician, Tauranga Hospital
Oire Niako, Mangaia, Aiutaki, Cook Islands
Julie Winter-Smith
Tākuta Julie Winter-Smith
Doctoral candidate, University of Auckland
Alaki Fonua Pelehake and Fatai, Tongatapu, Tonga and Daku, Fiji
Monica Liva
Tākuta Monica Liva
General Practitioner, Turuki Health Care
Mali, Samoa and Vaea/Avatele, Nuie
Simone Watkins
Tākuta Simone Watkins
Paediatrician, Senior Lecturer, Paediatrics, Child and Youth Health, University of Auckland.
Mo’ototua, Sāmoa
Tua Taueetia-Su'a
Tākuta Tua Taueetia-Su'a
Nurse & Senior Research Fellow, Public policy & primary health care researcher, University of Auckland
Collin Tukuitonga
Ahorangi Collin Tukuitonga
KNZM (Advisor)
Associate Dean Pacific, Director, Centre for Pacific and Global Health, University of Auckland.
Alofi, Niue
Te tīma Outreach me te Education

E manawanui ana a OnE ki te mātauranga me te whakamana i ngā taiohi, ngā rangatahi, ngā whānau me ngā hāpori. Ko te whāinga nui o te tīma nei, kia hiki ake te aroā me te hira o tēnei rangahau hauora manawa ki te hiahia o te hāpori.

Anuj Bhargava
Tākuta Anuj Bhargava
Pūtahi Manawa Outreach and Education Lead and Professional Teaching Fellow, School of Medical Sciences, University of Auckland
Chris Bullen
Ahorangi Chris Bullen
Professor, University of Auckland, Director of the National Institute for Health Innovation.
Allamanda Faatoese
Tākuta Allamanda Faatoese
Research Fellow, Christchurch Heart Institute, University of Otago
Samoa, Tuvalu
Susie Stevens
Tākuta Susie Stevens
Senior Lecturer, University of Canterbury, Director of Physical Education New Zealand
Lisa Wong
Lisa Wong
Research Engagement Manager
Te rōpū umanga rangahau moata
Sandra Hanchard
Tākuta Sandra Hanchard
Pūtahi Manawa and Heart Foundation Pacific Research Fellow, University of Auckland
Saraya Hogan
Saraya Hogan
Medical Laboratory Sciences Student, Auckland University of Technology
Ngāti Hako
Michelle Munro
Tākuta Michelle Munro
Department of Physiology Lecturer, University of Otago, ECR representative, Pūtahi Manawa Board ECR representative
Stacey Neilson
Stacey Neilson
Cardiac Sonographer, Cardiac Physiologist, Team Leader Te Whatu Ora | Lakes
Elliott Pepper
Elliott Pepper
Bachelor of Nursing Student, Universal College of Learning Te Pūkenga
Takiwai Russell-Camp
Takiwai Russell-Camp
Department of Medicine Kaiwhakatere, University of Otago
Ngāi Tahu
Kate Thomas
Tākuta Kate Thomas
Senior Lecturer, Dept of Surgical Sciences, Heart Otago Co-Director, University of Otago
Julie Winter-Smith
Tākuta Julie Winter-Smith
Doctoral candidate, University of Auckland
Alaki Fonua Pelehake and Fatai, Tongatapu, Tonga and Daku, Fiji
Anuj Bhargava
Allamanda Faatoese
Tākuta Allamanda Faatoese
Research Fellow, Christchurch Heart Institute, University of Otago
Samoa, Tuvalu
Tō tātou iwi